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Gathering scattered fruit for social youth work

By 16. November 2021February 7th, 2022No Comments


Lived initiative for sustainability

The project of the Winnenden Community Foundation started the annual scattered fruit gathering in the past few weeks. About 500 hard-working helpers from schools, associations and daycare centers harvested a total of 7.5 metric tons of apples from 18 urban and private orchards that were made available.

The goal of the project under the motto “Protect through Utilizing” is to bring children and teenagers in closer contact to nature and the biological diversity of meadows where scattered fruit trees grow. The gathered apples are processed by the Winnenden-based “Ernteband” company and the financial proceeds, along with the contribution markups, will be paid out to the class piggy banks of the gathering groups.

The initiative was voluntarily organized and supervised by the team of the Winnenden Community Foundation. Thank you very much for it!