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Quality from the field to the finished product

To ensure the outstandig quality of our products, we only apply most natural and smooth processing methods during all production steps. We continuously check the quality from reception of the raw material to the release of the finished products. The qualified and experienced employees in our own laboratories care for continuity and the highest possible level of fruit and vegetable processing.

Our certifications

The Grünewald Quality Management System is in accordance with the latest standards. We will be pleased to send you our current certifications upon request.

Our organic certification bodies

Grünewald Fruchtsaft GmbH
Mainfrucht GmbH & Co. KG
Ernteband Fruchtsaft GmbH
Pomerania Frucht Spólka z o.o.
PPHU Agrotex Spólka z o.o.
Podgorina Frucht d.o.o.

We have several customers which have trusted us for many years

This is only possible when you permanently supply best quality.